The standard model of particle physics can describe almost all the present experimental results. Nevertheless one can not believe that the model is ultimate, because it can only give a description without understanding or reason. For example, the dynamics of the electroweak symmetry breaking is not known, and the reason for the existence of many elementary particles with different masses and mixings is also unknown. Furthermore, recent observation of the universe requires Dark Matter, which is not included in the standard model, and also Dark Energy, which suggests that gravitational interaction should be considered more seriously.
We need some suggestive experimental information to go beyond the standard model. Unfortunately, recent status of particle physics experiments is in a critical situation: we have only limits to rather arbitrary extensions of the standard model. The standard model has been constructed with many experimental results, but still we can not see some principle behind it. There must be some principle which should guide us to the right direction. We need more information, which means we need more time.
On the other hand, it is natural that the standard model can not describe many observations of the universe, because it has not been constructed with these information. Some new information may require to add a new particle to the standard model, but some other new information may require to modify the theoretical structure of the standard model. The problem of Dark Matter may be solved by including some new partciles, but the problem of Dark Energy may require to modify field theory on which the standard model stands.
I am interested in exploring the physics beyond the standard model of particle physics in a phenomenological way with experimental information both from particle physics and especially from cosmology. I would like to see the right direction to proceed not being misled by sticking specific theoretical frameworks and models. I am interested in Dark Energy, particularly I would like to focus on the possibility that the Dark Energy is not the cosmological constant, which is expected to guide us to the right direction. The corresponding cosmological observations are the Hubble parameter (so called "Hubble tension"), power spectra and other information from galactic sky survey, information of Cosmic Dawn by 21cm signal of neutral hydrogen, and so on.